Plattform am Abend | © Johannes Bruchhof

Rhine-Moselle View

Greiffenklaustraße, 56077 Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein

For the Federal Horticultural Show 2011, the plateau in front of Ehrenbreitstein Fortress was fundamentally redesigned and planted. A viewing platform in the shape of a huge triangle was built by Landesforsten Rheinland-Pfalz, which displayed an exhibition on the theme of "Forests in Transition" in the walkways.

After the BUGA ended, the exhibition rooms and the plateau were partially dismantled, but the platform remained. In 2019, the city of Koblenz organised a competition to rename the platform, since then it has been called "Rhein-Mosel-Blick".


Plattform am Abend | © Johannes Bruchhof
Abend | © Johannes Bruchhof

Rhine-Moselle View

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56077 Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein Greiffenklaustraße
56077 Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein

Phone: (0049) 0261 66754000

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