Ouahigouya-Platz 1 | © Stadt Lahnstein


zwischen der katholischen Kirche St. Martin, 56112 Lahnstein

The Ouahigouya-Place!

"Two Worlds" - group of figures on the Ouahigouya Square Lahnstein.

The newly created square on Kirchstraße was created after the demolition of the former Rhein-Hotel, which was located between Pfarrgasse and Martinskirche until 1982.

  On July 20, 1992, the square was officially named "Ouahigouya Square" after Lahnstein's twin city in Burkina Faso, following a decision by the city council. Two bronze figures were erected to represent a European and an African child at the first meeting.

One of them represents a well-fed European boy eating a banana and reading a book. The other figure shows an African girl holding a petrol can in her hand and carrying a bundle of brushwood on her head.

"By placing them in a busy place", said Lord Mayor Karl-Heinz Groß on 21 July 1992 on the occasion of the handing over of the group of figures, "we point out to everyone the unjust distribution of the goods of this world and urge them to help. A delegation from Ouahigouya was present at the square baptism.

The group of figures was created by Fritz Berlin (1924-1997), the former mayor of Oberlahnstein, who worked as a sculptor in the region after his retirement. The construction of the fountain was made possible by a donation of the pediatrician and honorary citizen of Lahnstein Dr. Hans Nohr (1920-2005).


Ouahigouya-Platz 1 | © Stadt Lahnstein
Ouahigouya-Platz 2 | © Stadt Lahnstein
Ouahigouya-Platz 3 | © Stadt Lahnstein


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zwischen der katholischen Kirche St. Martin
56112 Lahnstein

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