St. Martin Lahnstein 1 | © Stadt lahnstein

Catholic Church St. Martin

Kirchstraße, 56112 Lahnstein

Catholic Church of St. Martin

The oldest parts of the church were built approx. 1190 and part of an ancient basilica. The Gothic Chancel with two cross-vaults were built in 1332, the baroque nave between 1775 and 1777. The side aisles originated from 1895 to 1899. Despite of the different architectural styles, it is an harmonically building. Special are the representative bells in both bell towers with an total weight of 13,6t.

St. Martin Lahnstein 1 | © Stadt lahnstein
St. Martin Lahnstein | © Stadt lahnstein
St. Martin Lahnstein2 | © Stadt Lahnstein
Orgel St. Martin | © Stadt Lahnstein

Catholic Church St. Martin

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56112 Lahnstein Kirchstraße
Katholische Kirche St. Martin
56112 Lahnstein

Phone: (0049) 2621 40007

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